🚧 WIP at the moment. Lot more material to be added here from notes. Please do not read presently.
- Issues
This section is very basic WIP atm. Please check after this warning has been removed. Lots more to be added here from notes and appropriately structured.
Design Issues
Bad Packaging
package controller
is inside import pathgithub.com/gardener/machine-controller-manager/pkg/util/provider/machinecontroller
LastOperation is actually Next Operation
Badly named. TODO: Describe more.
Description misused
Error Prone stuff like below due to misuse of description.
// isMachineStatusSimilar checks if the status of 2 machines is similar or not.
func isMachineStatusSimilar(s1, s2 v1alpha1.MachineStatus) bool {
s1Copy, s2Copy := s1.DeepCopy(), s2.DeepCopy()
tolerateTimeDiff := 30 * time.Minute
// Since lastOperation hasn't been updated in the last 30minutes, force update this.
if (s1.LastOperation.LastUpdateTime.Time.Before(time.Now().Add(tolerateTimeDiff * -1))) || (s2.LastOperation.LastUpdateTime.Time.Before(time.Now().Add(tolerateTimeDiff * -1))) {
return false
if utilstrings.StringSimilarityRatio(s1Copy.LastOperation.Description, s2Copy.LastOperation.Description) > 0.75 {
// If strings are similar, ignore comparison
// This occurs when cloud provider errors repeats with different request IDs
s1Copy.LastOperation.Description, s2Copy.LastOperation.Description = "", ""
// Avoiding timestamp comparison
s1Copy.LastOperation.LastUpdateTime, s2Copy.LastOperation.LastUpdateTime = metav1.Time{}, metav1.Time{}
s1Copy.CurrentStatus.LastUpdateTime, s2Copy.CurrentStatus.LastUpdateTime = metav1.Time{}, metav1.Time{}
return apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(s1Copy.LastOperation, s2Copy.LastOperation) && apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(s1Copy.CurrentStatus, s2Copy.CurrentStatus)
TODO: Not comprehensive. Lots more to be added here
Dead/Deprecated Code
This is unused and appears to be dead code.
This field is commented as deprecated but is still in MCServer.AddFlags
and in the launch script of individual providers.
go run
Dup Code
- Nearly all files in
- Ex: Types/func/smethods in
- Ex: Dup NodeTerminationCondition in
. The one that is being actively used is machineutils.NodeTerminationCondition
- Ex: Dup NodeTerminationCondition in
- Types/funcs/methods in
drainNode Handling
- Does not set err when
is called o.RunCordonOrUncordon
should useapierrors.NotFound
while checking error returned by a get node op- attemptEvict bool usage is confusing. Better design needed.
is overridden inevictPodsWithoutPv
. - Misleading deep copy in
for podKey, persistentVolumeList := range pvMap { persistentVolumeListDeepCopy := persistentVolumeList //...
Node Conditions
logic seems erroneous ?
func (v *VolumeAttachmentHandler) dispatch(obj interface{}) {
volumeAttachment := obj.(*storagev1.VolumeAttachment)
if volumeAttachment == nil {
klog.Errorf("Couldn't convert to volumeAttachment from object %v", obj)
// Should return here.
Dead? reconcileClusterNodeKey
This just delegates to reconcileClusterNode
which does nothing..
func (c *controller) reconcileClusterNode(node *v1.Node) error {
return nil
Dead? machine.go | triggerUpdationFlow
Can't find usages
Duplicate Initialization of EventRecorder in MC
already dones this below.
func createRecorder(kubeClient *kubernetes.Clientset) record.EventRecorder {
eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: v1core.New(kubeClient.CoreV1().RESTClient()).Events("")})
return eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(kubescheme.Scheme, v1.EventSource{Component: controllerManagerAgentName})
We get the recorder from this eventBroadcaster and then pass it to the pkg/util/provider/machinecontroller/controller.NewController
method which again does:
eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&typedcorev1.EventSinkImpl{Interface: typedcorev1.New(controlCoreClient.CoreV1().RESTClient()).Events(namespace)})
The above is useless.
Q? Internal to External Scheme Conversion
Why do we do this ?
internalClass := &machine.MachineClass{}
err := c.internalExternalScheme.Convert(class, internalClass, nil)
if err != nil {
return err