Reconcile Cluster Machine Set

A MachineSet is to a Machine in an analogue of what a ReplicaSet is to a Pod. A MachineSet ensures that the specified number of Machines are running at any given time.

A MachineSet is rarely rarely created directly. It is generally owned by its parent MachineDeployment and its ObjectMetadata.OwnerReferenes slice has a reference to the parent deployment.

The MCM controller reconcileClusterMachineSet is called from objects retrieved from the machineSetQueue as shown below.

worker.DefaultMaxRetries, true, c.reconcileClusterMachineSet, stopCh, &waitGroup)

The following is the flow diagram for func (c *controller) reconcileClusterMachineSet(key string) error . As can be observed, it could be optimized better. For any error in the below, the ms key is added back to the machineSetQueue according to the default rate limiting.

%%{init: { 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '11px'},"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart TD

Begin((" "))
-->GetMachineSet["machineSet=Get MS From Lister"]

ChkDeltimestamp1-->|no| AddFinalizersIMissing["addFinalizersIfMissing(machineSet)"]
ChkDeltimestamp1-->|yes| GetAllMS["allMachineSets = list all machine sets"]-->
GetMSSelector["selector = LabelSelectorAsSelector(machineSet.Spec.Selector)"]
-->ClaimMachines["claimedMachines=claimMachines(machineSet, selector, allMachines)"]
-->SyncNT["synchronizeMachineNodeTemplates(claimedMachines, machineSet)"]
-->SyncMC["syncMachinesConfig(claimedMachines, machineSet)"]
-->SyncMCK["syncMachinesClassKind(claimedMachines, machineSet)"]
-->ChkDeltimestamp2{"machineSet.DeletionTimestamp?"}-->|no| ScaleUpDown

ChkDeltimestamp2-->|yes| ChkClaimedMachinesLen{"len(claimedMachines) == 0?"}
ChkClaimedMachinesLen-->|yes| DelMSFinalizers["delFinalizers(machineSet)"]
ChkClaimedMachinesLen-->|no| TermMachines["terminateMachines(claimedMachines,machineSet)"]-->CalcMSStatus

ScaleUpDown["manageReplicas(claimedMachines) // scale out/in machines"]
-->CalcMSStatus["calculateMachineSetStatus(claimedMachines, machineSet, errors)"]
-->enqueueMachineSetAfter["machineSetQueue.AddAfter(msKey, 10m)"]



claimMachines tries to take ownership of a machine - it associates a Machine with a MachineSet by setting machine.metadata.OwnerReferences and releasets the Machine if the MS's deletion timestamp has been set.

  1. Initialize an empty claimedMachines []Machine slice
  2. Initialize an empty errlist []erro
  3. Iterate through allMachines and Get the ownerRef(the first element in OwnerReferences slice)
  4. If the ownerRef is not nil
    1. if the ownerRef.UID is diff from the machineSets UUID skip the claim and continue. (Since the machine belongs to another machine set)
    2. If the machine selector matches the labels of the machineSet, add to claimedMachines and continue
    3. If the machineSet.DeletionTimestamp is set, skip and continue
    4. Release the Machine by removing its ownerReference
  5. If the ownerRef is nil
    1. If the machineSet.DeletionTimestamp is set or if the machine selector does not mach the machineSet, skip and continue.
    2. If the machine.DeletionTimestamp is set, skip and continue.
    3. Adopt the machine, ie. set the ownerReference to the machineSet and add to claimedMachines
     - apiVersion:
       blockOwnerDeletion: true
       controller: true
       kind: MachineSet
       name: shoot--i034796--aw2-a-z1-8c99f
       uid: 20bc03c5-e95b-4df5-9faf-68be38cb8e1b
  6. Returned claimedMachines.


func (c *controller) syncMachinesNodeTemplates(ctx context.Context, 
 claimedMachines []*Machine, machineSet *MachineSet) error 
  1. This iterates through the claimeMachines and copies the machineset.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeTemplateSpec to the machine.Spec.NodeTemplateSpec
  2. NOTE: Seems useless IO busy-work to me. When MC launches the Machine, it might as well access the owning MachineSet and get the NodeSpec.
  3. The only reason to do this is to support independent Machines without owning MachineSets. We will need to see whether such a use-case is truly needed.

NOTE: NodeTemplate describes common resource capabilities like cpu, gpu, memory, etc in terms of This is used by the cluster-autoscaler for scaling decisions.


Copies machineset.Spec.Template.Spec.MachineConfiguration to machine.Spec.MachineConfiguration for all claimedMachines.

See MachineConfiguration inside MachineSpec


NOTE: This is useless and should be removed since we only have ONE kind of MachineClass. TODO: Discuss with Himanshu/Rishabh.

func (c *controller) syncMachinesClassKind(ctx context.Context, 
    claimedMachines []*Machine, machineSet *MachineSet) error 

Iterates through claimedMachines and sets machine.Spec.Class.Kind = machineset.Spec.Template.Spec.Class.Kind if not already set.

manageReplicas (scale-out / scale-in)

func (c *controller) manageReplicas(ctx context.Context, 
    claimedMachines []Machine, machineSet *MachineSet) error
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flowchart TD

Begin((" "))
-->Init["activeMachines :=[], staleMachines:=[]"]
-->IterCLaimed["machine := range claimedMachines"]

IsActiveOrFailed-->|active| AppendActive["append(activeMachines,machine)"]
IsActiveOrFailed-->|failed| AppendFailed["append(staleMachines,machine)"]


TermStaleMachines-->Delta["diff := len(activeMachines) - machineSet.Spec.Replicas"]
Delta-->ChkDelta{"diff < 0?"}

ChkDelta-->|yes| ScaleOut["numCreated:=slowStartBatch(-diff,..) // scale out"]
ScaleOut-->Log["Log numCreated/skipped/deleted"]
ChkDelta-->|no| GetMachinesToDelete["machinesToDel := getMachinesToDelete(activeMachines, diff)"]
GetMachinesToDelete-->TermMachines["terminateMachines(machinesToDel, machineSet)"]
-->Log-->ReturnErr["return err"]


func (c *controller) terminateMachines(ctx context.Context, 
    inactiveMachines []*Machine, machineSet *MachineSet) error {
  1. Invokes controlMachineClient.Machines(namespace).Delete(ctx, machineID,..) for each Machine in inactiveMachines and records an event.
  2. The machine.Status.Phase is also set to Terminating.
  3. This is done in parallel using go-routines a WaitGroup on length of inactiveMachines


func slowStartBatch(count int, initialBatchSize int, createFn func() error) (int, error)
  1. Initializes remaining to count and successes as 0.
  2. Method executes fn (which creates a Machine object) in parallel with number of go-routines starting with batchSize := initialBatchSize and then doubling batchSize size after the call to fn.
    1. For each batch iteration, a wg sync.WaitGroup is constructed with batchSize. Each batch execution waits for batch to be complete using wg.Wait()
    2. For each batch iteration, an errCh is constructed with size as batchSize
    3. batchSize go-routines execute fn concurrently, sending errors on errCh and invoking wg.Done() when complete.
    4. numErrorsInBatch = len(errCh)
    5. successes is batchSize minus numErrorsInBatch
    6. if numErrorsInBatch > 0, abort, returning successes and first error from errCh
    7. remaining is decremented by the batchSize
    8. Compute batchSize as Min(remaining, 2*batchSize)
    9. Continue iteration while batchSize is greater than 0.
    10. Return successes, nil when done.
  3. fn is a lambda that creates a new Machine in which we do the below:
    1. Create an ownerRef with the machineSet.Name and machineSet.UID
    2. Get the machine spec template using machineSet.Spec.Template
    3. Then create a Machine obj setting the machine spec and ownerRef. Use the machineSet name as the prefix for GenerateName in the ObjectMeta.
    4. If any err return the same or nil if no error.
    5. New Machine objects are persisted using controlMachineClient.Machines(namespace).Create(ctx, machine, createOpts)