Reconcile Cluster Machine Deployment

func (dc *controller) reconcileClusterMachineDeployment(key string) error 
  • Gets the deployment name.
  • Gets the MachineDeployment
  • TODO: WEIRD: freeze labels and deletion timestamp
  • TODO: unclear why we do this
	// Resync the MachineDeployment after 10 minutes to avoid missing out on missed out events
	defer dc.enqueueMachineDeploymentAfter(deployment, 10*time.Minute)
  • Add finalizers if deletion time stamp is nil
  • TODO: Why is observed generation only updated conditionally in the below ? Shouldn't it be done always
everything := metav1.LabelSelector{}
	if reflect.DeepEqual(d.Spec.Selector, &everything) {
		dc.recorder.Eventf(d, v1.EventTypeWarning, "SelectingAll", "This deployment is selecting all machines. A non-empty selector is required.")
		if d.Status.ObservedGeneration < d.Generation {
			d.Status.ObservedGeneration = d.Generation
			dc.controlMachineClient.MachineDeployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
		return nil
  • Get []*v1alpha1.MachineSet for this deployment using getMachineSetsForMachineDeployment and assign to machineSets
  • if deployment.DeletionTimestamp != nil
    • if there are no finalizers on deployment return nil
    • if len(machineSets) == 0 delete the machine deployment finalizers and return nil
    • Call dc.terminateMachineSets(ctx, machineSets)

Rollout Rolling

func (dc *controller) rolloutRolling(ctx context.Context, 
    d *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
    msList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    machineMap map[types.UID]*v1alpha1.MachineList) error 

1. Get new machine set corresponding to machine deployment and old machine sets

newMS, oldMSs, err := dc.getAllMachineSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx, d, msList, machineMap, true)
allMSs := append(oldMSs, newMS)

2. Taint the nodes backing the old machine sets.

This is a preference - the k8s scheduler will try to avoid placing a pod that does not tolerate thee taint on the node. Q: Why don't we use NoSchedule instead ? Any pods scheduled on this node will need to be drained - more work to be done.

		oldISs, &v1.Taint{
			Key:    PreferNoScheduleKey,
			Value:  "True",
			Effect: "PreferNoSchedule",

3. Add AutoScaler Scale-Down annotations to Nodes of Old Machine Sets

  1. Create the map. (TODO: Q: Why do we add 2 annotations ?)
     clusterAutoscalerScaleDownAnnotations := make(map[string]string)
  2. Call annotateNodesBackingMachineSets(ctx, allMSs, clusterAutoscalerScaleDownAnnotations)

4. Reconcile New Machine Set by calling reconcileNewMachineSet

	scaledUp, err := dc.reconcileNewMachineSet(ctx, allISs, newIS, d)
func (dc *controller) reconcileNewMachineSet(ctx context.Context, 
newMS *v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) 
    (bool, error) 
  1. if newMS.Spec.Replicates == deployment.spec.Replicates return
  2. if newMS.Spec.Replicas > deployment.Spec.Replicas, we need to scale down. call dc.scaleMachineSet(ctx, newMS, deployment.Spec.Replicas, "down")
  3. Compute newReplicasCount using NewMSNewReplicas(deployment, allMSs, newMS).
  4. Call dc.scaleMachineSet(ctx, newMS, newReplicasCount, "up")

Helper Methods


func (dc *controller) scaleMachineSet(ctx context.Context, 
    ms *v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    newScale int32, 
    deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
    scalingOperation string) 
        (bool, *v1alpha1.MachineSet, error) {
sizeNeedsUpdate := (ms.Spec.Replicas) != newScale

TODO: fill me in.

Get Machine Sets for Machine Deployment

func (dc *controller) getMachineSetsForMachineDeployment(ctx context.Context, 
        d *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) 
    ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error) 
  • Get all machine sets using machine set lister.
  • NewMachineSetControllerRefManager unclear

Get Machine Map for Machine Deployment

Returns a map from MachineSet UID to a list of Machines controlled by that MS, according to the Machine's ControllerRef.

func (dc *controller) 
    getMachineMapForMachineDeployment(d *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
        machineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) 
     (map[types.UID]*v1alpha1.MachineList, error) {

Terminate Machine Sets of Machine eDeployment

func (dc *controller) terminateMachineSets(ctx context.Context, machineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) 

Sync Deployment Status

func (dc *controller) syncStatusOnly(ctx context.Context, 
    d *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
    msList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    machineMap map[types.UID]*v1alpha1.MachineList) error 

Gets New and Old MachineSets and Sync Revision

func (dc *controller) getAllMachineSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx context.Context, 
    d *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
    msList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    machineMap map[types.UID]*v1alpha1.MachineList, 
    createIfNotExisted bool) 
        (*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error) 


getAllMachineSetsAndSyncRevision does the following:

  1. Get all old MachineSets the MachineDeployment: d targets, and calculate the max revision number among them (maxOldV).
  2. Get new MachineSet this deployment targets ie whose machine template matches the deployment's and updates new machine set's revision number to (maxOldV + 1), This is done only if its revision number is smaller than (maxOldV + 1). If this step failed, we'll update it in the next deployment sync loop.
  3. Copy new MachineSet's revision number to the MachineDeployment (update deployment's revision). If this step failed, we'll update it in the next deployment sync loop.


  • TODO: describe me

Annotate Nodes Backing Machine Sets

func (dc *controller) annotateNodesBackingMachineSets(
    ctx context.Context, 
    machineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    annotations map[string]string) error 
  1. Iterate through the machineSets. Loop variable: machineSet
  2. List all the machines. TODO: EXPENSIVE ??
allMachines, err := dc.machineLister.List(labels.Everything())
  1. Get the Selector for the Machine Set
   	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(machineSet.Spec.Selector)
  1. Claim the Machines for the given machineSet using the selector
    filteredMachines, err = dc.claimMachines(ctx, machineSet, selector, allMachines)
  1. Iterate through filteredMachines, loop variable: machine and if Node is not empty, add or update annotations on node.
if machine.Status.Node != "" {
err = AddOrUpdateAnnotationOnNode(

Claim Machines

Basically sets or unsets the owner reference of the machines matching selector to the deployment controller.

func (c *controller) claimMachines(ctx context.Context, 
    machineSet *v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    selector labels.Selector, 
    allMachines []*v1alpha1.Machine) 
    ([]*v1alpha1.Machine, error) {

TODO: delegates to MachineControllerRefManager.claimMachines

Sets or un-sets the owner reference of the machine object to the deployment controller.


  • iterates through allMachines. Checks if selector matches the machine labels: m.Selector.Matches(labels.Set(machine.Labels)
  • Gets the controllerRef of the machine using metav1.GetControllerOf(machine)
  • If controllerRef is not nil and the controllerRef.UID matches the
  • If so, then this is an adoption and calls AdoptMachine which patches the machines owner reference using the below:
addControllerPatch := fmt.Sprintf(
		m.Controller.GetName(), m.Controller.GetUID(), machine.UID)
	err := m.machineControl.PatchMachine(ctx, machine.Namespace, machine.Name, []byte(addControllerPatch))
err := m.machineControl.PatchMachine(ctx, machine.Namespace, machine.Name, []byte(addControllerPatch))

Helper Functions

Compute New Machine Set New Replicas

NewMSNewReplicas calculates the number of replicas a deployment's new machine set should have.

  1. The new MS is saturated: newMS's replicas == deployment's replicas
  2. Max number of machines allowed is reached: deployment's replicas + maxSurge == allMS's replicas
func NewMSNewReplicas(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, 
    allMSs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, 
    newMS *v1alpha1.MachineSet) (int32, error) 
    // MS was called IS earlier (instance set)
  1. Get the maxSurge
maxSurge, err = intstr.GetValueFromIntOrPercent(
  1. Compute the currentMachineCount: iterate through all machine sets and sum up machineset.Status.Replicas
  2. maxTotalMachines = deployment.Spec.Replicas + maxSurge
  3. if currentMachineCount >= maxTotalMachines return newMS.Spec.Replicas // cannot scale up.
  4. Compute scaleUpCount := maxTotalMachines - currentMachineCount
  5. Make sure scaleUpCount does not exceed desired deployment replicas scaleUpCount = int32(integer.IntMin(int(scaleUpCount), int(deployment.Spec.Replicas -newMS.Spec.Replicas))